Bus-proof liberty – Michael Dean After Dark radio archive



Thin libertarians Chandler St. Pierre and Michael W. Dean tell you how and why to make your own media and change the world, right from where you’re sitting right now, for free.

(Photo of Dutch Feen fan Mart vacationing in Malta with homemade Guns ‘n’ Weed t-shirt)

Get the great inexpensive mic our co-hosts use:

Creamy Radio Audio (caviar sound on a cat food budget) is HERE.

Donate Bitcoin, Litecoin, Namecoin HERE.

^Make a donation to help Michael spread the love. (Will come up as “99 Cent Film School”, Michael’s catch-all business name). Donations are NOT tax-deductible, but they might just make you feel really really good.)

The State is SO Square – Michael Dean After Dark radio archive



Dianna Hooks and MWD tell you why you’re wrong about everything.

Get the great inexpensive mic our co-hosts use:

Creamy Radio Audio (caviar sound on a cat food budget) is HERE.

Donate Bitcoin, Litecoin, Namecoin HERE.

^Make a donation to help Michael spread the love. (Will come up as “99 Cent Film School”, Michael’s catch-all business name). Donations are NOT tax-deductible, but they might just make you feel really really good.)

Washington DC, defending the country from freedom since, forever – Michael Dean After Dark radio archive



Michael W. Dean and Davi Barker wonder if the creator of Star Trek should be on the SPLC’s watch list, and other nifty thoughts.

Get the great inexpensive mic our co-hosts use:

Creamy Radio Audio (caviar sound on a cat food budget) is HERE.

Donate Bitcoin, Litecoin, Namecoin HERE.

^Make a donation to help Michael spread the love. (Will come up as “99 Cent Film School”, Michael’s catch-all business name). Donations are NOT tax-deductible, but they might just make you feel really really good.)




Film the Police Because Cats Are Aliens – Michael Dean After Dark radio archive



Derrick J. and Michael W. Dean rap about streaming video activism, riotNAS, the joys of Porcfest, Yellowstone earthquakes, kitty cats, and finding your place in an otherwise difficult world.

Which One’s Pink? – MICHAEL DEAN AFTER DARK live radio archive



Chandler St. Pierre and Michael W. Dean talk about why Syd Barrett is more fun than Tyranny, why computers are cool, and how Michael is grooming the next generation of liberty radio hosts and music producers to take his place when he’s murdered by the government or dies of old age surrounded by cats and his wife.

