2 thoughts on “Michael’s old band BOMB”

  1. Hi, I think I found the right band, I used to live next door when you started Bomb and would let me come over and write songs with you guys. We even made a 2nd band name “Good Stuff” and performed 2 songs with you guys when I was about 10 or 11. One song name Good stuff and other names Da’kecia. You guys even have me a couple bucks from the tips so I could say I got paid to do the gig. If this was you and your band, I want to thank you for being so nice to me and I’m excited to see you guys toured and had albums made. I will start looking for your albums and tell me kids i was part of your band once 😊

    1. Wow! Yes. That was me. I lived in / the band practiced at the garage at 1134 Jessie Street in San Francisco.
      So good to hear from you.

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