750 mm, F/3, 2 hours and 40 minutes, some star reduction
Gear and tech details on my AstroBin, here:
Also, the mouseover image there it the same photo with zero star reduction.
Feeding the hamster in your brain
New things from Michael W. Dean that you may find interesting.
750 mm, F/3, 2 hours and 40 minutes, some star reduction
Gear and tech details on my AstroBin, here:
Also, the mouseover image there it the same photo with zero star reduction.
Download MP3 of Michael’s 1983 one-hour piece, The Solstice Suite, HERE.
Unlike DJ or Neema, I did not go to “J-School” (journalism school) for college. However, at Jamestown Community College (JCC) in Western New York State, I did take “Communication” classes, which basically taught you to be an intern at a local radio station. And maybe if you were lucky as an intern, you’d eventually get to be on the air. I took a different route to radio. But in my last semester of college, the second part of my second year of the two years I attended, I recorded a one-hour piece of music as an independent study in Communication. I composed and recorded the music, and wrote a paper explaining the process. I got an A. I also got Fs that semester in my other four classes (in English, History, Math and Phys-Ed), because I spent every day that semester skipping all my classes to lock myself in a room and compose and record that one piece of music that got me the A.
Continue reading “Computer Mastering Michael W. Dean’s 1983 Magnum Opus, “The Solstice Suite””
Podcast: Play in new window | Download
So, this is so cool….Sean our Torrent guy and I have set up a torrent feed for all Freedom Feens episodes, Anarchy Gumbo episodes and movies. AND, you’ll get new things before everyone else who isn’t using the torrent link!
It works automatically, it’s completely legal (for now), and seeding will get you on the Golden Floppy Disc of Redemption by helping make the Feens’ media drone proof when it BECOMES illegal, which could be any day now, the way the Central Scrutinizer is stepping up its tyranny. Seed if you want, but at least have them. So if we get droned, or the site gets CISPAed, you can turn the torrents back on and start sharing.
Continue reading “Get Feens and Gumbo Episodes Before Everyone Else with BitTorrent”
He did it on Twitter, here. You have to copy and paste his link, but it’s a video of me singing a song for my daughter after she died.
Sort of….So, after my daughter died of Leukemia in 2006 I was totally crushed. I couldn’t sleep right for a year, and was really depressed. One thing that really helped pull me out of it after a year, something that was really cathartic, was this: I recorded a version of the heart-wrenching Jeff Buckley song (written by Leonard Cohen) “Hallelujah” in remembrance of Amelia. Doing that and making a YouTube video of me singing it really helped me be able to function again.
I actually only watched it a few times since 2008 when I made it. I can’t really watch it. I haven’t even checked comments on much.
I checked it out today finally, and noticed a bunch of comments on it from two years ago saying things like
I have never seen or heard such heartfelt love. I found this video after Roger Ebert commented on it on his twitter page. God Bless you and Amelia Laine Worth.
Found this as well via Roger Ebert’s twitter. A very heartfelt and touching video, my condolences to the both of you.
Followed from Ebert’s twitter. I am so sorry for your loss. This is a beautiful tribute to your daughter.
Also found through Ebert’s twitter. Very touching. I can imagine no better tribute.
I do know Ebert was diagnosed with Thyroid cancer around that time. The tweet said:
@ebertchicago: I found this completely by accident and was so deeply touched by its sadness and heartfelt love http://j.mp/cQreNj
It was a comment on the beauty of the emotion, not the filmmaking. It’s FAR from my best filmmaking. FAR. It was done quick and dirty using a low-rez camera, actually an old still camera that could shoot a little video. My wife, DJ, did the camerawork and I edited it. Ironic that Ebert’s probably never seen my actual films, and I am a filmmaker by trade, but it’s nice that he mentioned this and Tweeted it.
Anyway, Ebert Tweeting my little film kinda made my day today, two 1/2 years after it happened. And I’m glad to see Ebert’s still feisty and I hope he’s Tweeting for many more years.
–Michael W. Dean
The Freedom Feens episode “obedience to law is liberty” is messed up, audio wise and had to be put down. This is the fixed replacement: